Seth is the President of The Baupost Group, L.L.C., which currently manages approximately $16.5 billion on behalf of individual and institutional clients. He has had primary responsibility for managing the investments of Baupost since the Company was formed in May, 1982. Baupost uses a value discipline with an event-driven bias to find global opportunities in such diverse areas as publicly-traded and private equities, bankrupt and financially-distressed debt, and real estate. Baupost’s largest partnership vehicle has achieved compound net annual returns to investors of over 19% and has experienced only two money-losing years since inception in 1983.
Author of Margin of Safety, a book that outlines his value investment philosophy, Seth was chosen as lead editor for the recently-published Security Analysis Sixth Edition and has been featured in a variety of investment industry publications.
Seth is National Chairman of Facing History and Ourselves, a teacher training organization. He is a member of the Board of Dean’s Advisors at Harvard Business School, where he has been a senior lecturer on value investing and was a member of the Alumni Board. He is Chairman of The Klarman Family Foundation, serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of The David Project, and recently joined the Board of the Broad Institute.
A 1982 graduate of Harvard Business School, he studied Economics at Cornell receiving the A. B. degree. Seth was born in New York City, grew up in Baltimore, and currently lives in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts with his wife and three children. |

At the time of our 35th reunion, Seth continues as President of The Baupost Group which now has $26B under management. In May 2013, Cornell broke ground for the Seth ’79 and Beth Klarman Humanities Building, the first new building for the humanities on Cornell’s central campus since Goldwin Smith Hall opened in 1905. Located between Goldwin Smith and East Avenue, Klarman Hall will serve as a gateway to the Arts Quad when it’s completed in 2015.
At the time of our 40th reunion, Seth continues as CEO and Portfolio Manager of The Baupost Group which now has ~$30B under management. During the May 2016 dedication of Klarman Hall, Seth's wife Beth said "Klarman Hall's purpose is to serve Cornell as a space to host discussions and construct a stronger community. Supporting this project aligns perfectly with our family's key values. We believe we have an obligation to give back and to turn our own experiences and challenges into opportunities to assist others who walk the same road."